Building up your pension
We provide expert, comprehensive pension advice and guidance to individuals and business owners
Whether you have a SIPP, Personal Pension, Final Salary Pension or a combination of them all, we help you understand if you are on track for your eventual retirement.
Pensions can feel very complex, so many rules, tax consequences and investment decisions.
That is why we take time to build the picture of your retirement saving to date and bring all the elements together to help you see your options. We test them in scenario planning and help you make positive decisions, whether you are starting on the first steps of Auto Enrollment or working out how the tax laws affect your accumulated fund or benefits.
Let us check your situation free of charge. Email us to find out how to provide us with the details of your current investments or pensions securely or call us to find out more.
We can help you make positive decisions.

Using your pension fund
Pensions have changed and the options for how to use them for your and your family’s benefit are now huge
However with every opportunity there is a consequence and so it has never been more important to seek skilled independent advice.
Save & Invest has pension and investment experts to guide you through each choice you make, now and in the years ahead.
Questions we can help to answer:
Should I take advantage of current annuity rates for a fixed monthly income or retain as much flexibiltiy as possible and simply take lump sums as you need it to meet your spending needs, leaving the balance to pass without tax to my family?
What is the most tax efficient way to fund my lifestyle in retirement?
What is the lifetime allowance and does it affect me?